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Pepe rosa - Lip Balm Stick

Pepe rosa - Lip Balm Stick

Pepe rosa - Lip Balm Stick

  • This product flows extremely smoothly and is exceptionally emollient. It emanates the marvellous scent of pink peppercorns as it provides long-lasting protection and softness for lips. Keep it with you at all times for a sweet sensation on the lips with every use.

    Protective and nourishing.

  • Hair/Skin:
    Actions:It moisturizes the lips and protects them from the elements.
    Direction for use:How to use it: keep it with you at all times and use it whenever you want to soften your lips.
    Scent:Generous, enveloping and exhilarating fragrance.
    Suggestions:For everyone.
    Characteristic:Emollient. 0% mineral oils and silicones.
    Application Area:Face and Lips.

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